Symposium on Dandi Yatra

IQAC CNB College Bokakhat organized a symposium on Dandi Yatra as starting Program od Azadi kaa Amrut Mohotsav. Seventy-five weeks ahead of 75th Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday launched the mohotsav.  ‘The Mahotsav is being launched on Read More …

Academic and Administrative Audit has done for NAAC

Yesterday on the 2nd march 2021 The academic and admistritaive audit was conducted by Prof Jugen chandra kalita, Zoology Department Gauhati University.Assam. He interected with each and every department and Students of the college.

Science day Celebration

National Science Day is celebrated today at CNB College. On the occasion, CNB College organized Poster making, Photography and Quiz Competitions among the students of the college. The Quiz was organized by Debajit Saikia, Assistant Professor Department of Botany. The Photography Read More …

‘Swachh Bharat Drive’ Observation

‘Swachh Bharat Drive’ was done by NSS unit of CNB College, Bokakhat on 25th January, 2021. Principal Coordinator of IQAC Mr. Bidyut Bikash Saikia and the Volunteers of NSS and Students of the college participated in this programme. It was Read More …

Mou with USTM

Another Milestone. Today our College has signed an MoU with USTM (University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya) collaborating faculty/student exchange, student visit, seminar webinar arrangements etc.

Merit List 2

Notice for admission (Merit list 2) Chemistry Merit List 2 Physics Merit List 2 Zoology Merit List 2 Botany Merit List 2 Maths Merit List 2