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The Library of the College was established in 1995, the same year the College was founded. It was founded for realizing the institutional mission and vision of contributing to the academic pursuits of the students the faculty member and office staff. Started with a humble beginning, the Library has come a long way in terms of quality and quantity of subscription of books, journals, newspapers, periodicals, e-resources, etc. and has catered to the diverse needs of the student and teachers’ community.
With the introduction of semester system in Degree courses, we have been rendering our devoted services to the stake-holders including basically the students, teachers and the staff members.
Presently, a number of facilities have been opened up for the students and others in the Library. These include reprographic facility, internet surfing/downloading/printing, access to e-resources like e-journals, etc. The bonafied students of the college can access digital library facilities after day register their detail on the Digital Library portal

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