CNB College, Bokakhat:
9th September 2023: C N B College, the only leading institution for higher science education in the region has introduced a new Add-On Course “General Intelligence, Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude” in collaboration with Career-care, an NGO of the area, working for the education of the aspiring students of the area. The Course is duly approved by Dibrugarh University. It is introduced with an aim to cater to the needs of students seeking their career in different fields of Central as well as StateGoverment departments, banking and other competitive examinations. On the 8th Sept. 2023, the course was inaugurated by Mr. Mintu Kumar Handique, GM (CSR) of NumaligarhRefinary. On the very day a MOU was signed between CNB College, and Career-Care. On behalf of Career-Care, Mr. BikashBoruah spoke about the benefits that could be availed by the students. The programme was presided by Dr. SurajitDutta, Principal (i/c), CNB Collegeand was well organized and managed by Dr. Rubul Bora, HOD, Mathematics, CNB College. On the occasion Dr. BidyutBoruah spoke about the pros and cons of the afforsaid course. The course is belived to meet the needs of the aspiring minds of the area. Interested students even from outside the college are welcome to join the course.