Venue- Kailakhat L.P. School
(Adopted Village- KailakhatGaon)
6th April to 11th April, 2023
No of Volunteers- 32
The NSS Unit of CNB College, Bokakhat had organised a one week residential “Special Camp” in Kailakhat L.P. School in the adopted village KailakhatGaon. The camp was held from 6th April to 11th April, 2023. A total of 32 volunteers of the NSS Unit of CNB College participated in the camp. On 6th April, 2023 the camp was inaugurated by Dr SurajitDutta, Principal, CNB College in the presence of Dr Rubul Bora, HOD Mathematics, CNB College, Dr Hari Prasad Nath, HOD Chemistry, CNB College, Dr Dilip Borah and Mr PhalgunChetia, Department of Zoology, CNB College. Mr Amal Bora, President, Kailakhat L.P. School and Mr ChandanBhuyan, Head Master, Kailakhat L.P. School was also present during the inauguration session. During his speech, Dr SurajitDutta, Principal, CNB College addressed the gathering and mentioned the role of NSS volunteers in such special camps and its significances. He added that during the camp every volunteer must provide their valuable efforts to work for the society and learn to develop team efforts.The volunteers took pledge to participate actively in the camp and abide by the rules of NSS Unit. After the inauguration session, Mr ChandanBhuyan, Head Master, Kailakhat L.P. School gave a short speech to the gathering and handed over the school to Mr.Sonjib Borah, Program Officer, NSS Unit, CNB College.
On 7th April, 2023 (second day of the NSS Camp), the day was started with a Yoga Program in the school premises. The Yoga Program helped the students to prepare them physically and mentally for the day. After the Yoga session, the volunteers were provided with breakfast. After the breakfast, the Program Officer, volunteers and few villagers of KailakhatGaonorganized a “Cleanliness Drive” in the “Namghar” (Village Prayer Hall) and the village road. The volunteers cleaned the premises of the Namghar, arranged the amenities and cleaned the village road. The members of the managing committee of the Namghar too extended their help and support during the cleanliness drive. Some of the villagers too helped the volunteers by providing drinking water during the drive. After the cleanliness drive the volunteers came back to the base camp. A break helped them to had the lunch and prepare for the second session of the day. In the second session, a popular talk on “Drinking water” was organised. Dr.ChampaGogoi, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, CNB College, Bokakhat was the resource person of the session. Dr Hari Prasad Nath, Head of the Department, Department of Chemistry and Mr Sarat Chandra Dutta, founder Principal, CNB College, Bokakhathonoured the session. The valuable talk by the resource person helped the participants (volunteers, students and villagers) to know the importance of clean drinking water. Dr.ChampaGogoi talked on the recent crisis of pure drinking water within the region and around the globe. She further extended her thoughts to help the villagers to analyse the water samples for several constituents, harmful matter and its purity. Mr Sonjib Borah, Program Officer concluded the session and the day long program by thanking the resource person, guests, students, villagers and the volunteers. The day ended with a healthy dinner for the volunteers.
On 8th April, 2023 (third day of the NSS Camp), the day was started with a cleanliness drive in the school premises. The volunteers cleaned the school both inside the classes and its surroundings. After the cleanliness drive, the volunteers had their breakfast. The villagers of KailakhatGaon were primarily farmers. They were dependant on farming, livestock rearing or practices. Thus, an interactive session on “Basic livestock rearing and diseases” was organised for the villagers of KailakhatGaon. Dr JogyeswarBori, Veterinary Officer, Ponka, Golaghat was the Resource person. The Veterinary Officer provided a valuable talk on the basic insights of livestock rearing and practices, causes and effects of several diseases of livestock or different breeds and importance of vaccinations of the livestock breeds to the villagers. The villagers too expressed their failure or decrease in the success rates in their practices of livestock rearing. The Veterinary Officer suggested the farmers to adopt scientific methods in livestock rearing in place of conventional practices to increase the success rates.
On 10th April, 2023 (fifth day of the NSS Camp), the day was started with a Yoga session in the school premises. After the Yoga session, the volunteers had their breakfast. In general the awareness on personal safety or property safety due to natural or sudden disasters like fire, earthquake, flood etcwere not popular among the common people of the society. So, an “Awareness program on safety and prevention of accidents” was organised for the villagers and students of the locality. The State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) and Fire and Emergency Service (F&ES), Bokakhat were invited for the program. The Station Officer of (F&ES), Bokakhat addressed the gathering and provided the basic concepts and necessity of the awareness regarding emergencies. The awareness camp provided active participation or in hand involvement of the villagers, students and volunteers to tackle or minimize emergencies which might occur in the day to day life.
On 11th April, 2023 (sixth day of the NSS Camp), the day was started with a cleanliness drive in the school premises. After the cleanliness drive, the volunteers had their breakfast. This was the last day of the camp. The camp was officially concluded with a general meeting in the presence of Mr Amal Bora, President, Kailakhat L.P. School, Mr ChandanBhuyan, Head Master, Kailakhat L.P. School, teachers of Kailakhat L.P. School, DrSurajitDutta, Principal, CNB College, Bokakhat, students of Kailakhat L.P. School and volunteers of the NSS Unit, CNB College, Bokakhat.