Today, on 21st June 2023 the International Yoga Day was observed at Video Conference Hall of CNB College in the presence of Teacher & Students by the demonstration of some Yoga by the resource person Chakrapani Kalita from Bokakhat.
This programme was started from 2:00 pm onwards which was governed by Dr Surajit Dutta, Principal, CNB College, Bokakhat. The same programme was associated by IQAC and NSS Unit of CNB College. In this programme majority of DSE 3rd Semester and B.Sc. 4th Semester students involved and get benefited by acquiring knowledge on Yoga for physical and mental health.
The resource person delivered a hours long lecture on Yoga in India and abroad and its benefit for personal and social state. Releted to the programme and interaction session also runs by queries by students and teachers. So that resource person state the explanation against the queries.
One student named Mr Nayan Ranjan Sarma from department of Physics B.Sc. 5th Semester asking about the relation between meditation and Yoga. So the resource person clarify it that meditation is nothing else it is also part of Yoga which has great impact in student life.
Lastly the Principal Dr Surajit Dutta gave remark on Yoga with few Yogasana like Padamasana, Sirsasana, Brajasana etc.
At last the IQAC coordinator Dr Dilip Borah gave vote of thanks for the resource person for his valuable lecture and also gave thanks to the students for their presence and cooperation and participation on the International Yoga day programme.