C N B College organizes World Environment Day on 5th June 2021. From 10.00 am NSS & IQAC organizes a popular lecture on “NEED OF ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION” in association with ZSA unit of CNB COLLEGE. In this programme Dr. Monsoon J Gogoi, Scientist- B of BNHS will join as RESOURCE PERSON and the programme will be graced by Dr. Bolendra Kr. Das, Working President, ZSA, and Prof. Jogen Ch Kalita, General Secretary, ZSA.
Another programme will be held from 7.00 pm which will be graced by world ranking scientist, Dr. Krishna Gopal Bhattacharyya, Professor of ASSAM DON BOSCO UNIVERSITY and Mr. Sarat Ch. Dutta, Founder Principal of CNB COLLEGE, BOKAKHAT.
Both the programmes will be conducted through virtual platform Google meet. Meeting link will be provided through whatsApp group of students half an hour prior to the beginning of the meeting.