Bokakhat, 30th May 2024:
A day long workshop on Solid Waste Management under Environment Education Programme is held at CNB College, Bokakhat today. The programme is supported by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India and Assam Science Technology and Environment Council. The Programme is organised by Environment and Climate Cell of CNB College, Bokakhat. On the occasion, a plantation Drive is done by Principal, CNB College, Bokakhat at 9:00 am. Dr Madhulika Dutta felicities the guest. The workshop is inauguration of by Principal, CNB College, Bokakhat thereafter. In the first session, Dr H.P. Nath, HoD, Department of Chemistry, CNB College, Bokakhat trained the students how to manage the solid plastic wastes. Dr Nabajyoti Saikia, Prof. Department of Chemistry, Kaziranga University delivered a speech on Solid Waste Management, understanding to importance of waste management and its impact on environment. in the second session, a hands on training is given by Dr Basanta Kr Nath, Solid Waste Management Expert, Guwahati About up-cycling and creative re-uses of plastics. The vote of thanks is given by Dr Champa Gogoi at the end of the programme.