World Environment Day 2023 is Celebrated at CNB College, Bokakhat

Today on the 5th June 2023 IQAC and NSS Unit of CNB College, Bokakhat jointly has observed the World Environment Day by organising a popular talk on environment and its status in past, present and future scenario. The meeting was coordinated by Dr Dilip Borah, the coordinator, IQAC and Asstt. Prof. of CNB College, Bokakhat and presided by Dr Surajit Dutta, Principal, CNB College, Bokakhat.

The popular talk was delivered by Mr Sasanka Dhabal Saikia, Asstt. Prof. of JDSG College, Bokakhat at the Video Conference Hall of CNB College, Bokakhat from 11:30 am to 12:45 pm. He mainly stressed on the environment related duties of human from time to time. He also clarified about the ‘National Green Tribunal’ (NGT) body and its duty which is under the NGT Act 2010, related to protection and conservation of environment and resources of earth. In this programme among teachers few of them  also delivered valuable speech on the environment related cases of human. Mr Sonjib Borah, HoD, Zoology Department and Asstt. Professor stressed about the sustainable utilization of resources. Another teacher Mr Pranjal Hazarika has said mainly on the daily use of plastic wastage and Mr Debajit Saikia, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany has spoken on ecosystem service and its impact on human. Another student from Bokakhat Jatiya Bidyalaya, Sri Porag Morang expressed his valuable thoughts on ecosystem which is now regulated mostly by human rather than nature. Lastly President Dr S. Dutta, principal, CNB College, Bokakhat concluded the programme by analyzing the thoughts of the resource person as well as of the teachers and students. The programme was over by 1:45 pm.

After popular talks a cleanliness drive has organized at college campus to maintain the campus with assistance of our teachers and office staff. For the overall programme the IQAC coordinator and NSS programme officer is highly thankful to the resource person, teachers, students and office staff in making the World Environment Day Programme a successful one.